by Carmen Trocker, Documentary Film

Upon where the devil lives

Dort oben wo der Teufel wohnt
1999, 57 min.

Martha Silbernagl is a female worker, painter and witch. She was born in a village in the Italian Dolomites, where she still lives. The film is portraying her life, her fight with her heritage and the pressures of society in the small community of the village.


Produced by
dffb with the support of  Provinz Bozen – Südtirol – Provincia Bolzano – Alto Adige – Deutsche und ladinische Kultur – Cultura tedesca e ladina.

Martha Silbernagl

Written and directed by
Carmen Trocker

Carmen Trocker
Ronny Trocker

Editing: Andreas Zitzmann, Carmen Trocker
Mixing: Martin Steyer
Music: Stimmhorn


Trento Film Festival
Bolzano Film Festival
First Steps